Professional Photographer's Challenge: For Art's Sake
A 52 week challenge to fall back in love with art
Thoughts on Not Shooting People
I know most of you shoot people for a living (insert joke about telling people that at your high school reunion here) And I usually do too. I love the emotion and movement and engaging connection that images of people can show. But this week I wanted to focus on an object. Mix it up a bit! I shot a lot of detail images when I did weddings, and I enjoyed that part of it quite a bit. I like the simplicity of just shooting a thing. I don't have to talk to it, try and get it to understand what I want it to do, work with it's schedule or in my daughter's case, her mood and every whim! I just sat it where I wanted it and it stayed there! This cool looking thing is an antique miners lamp. It is probably from the early 20th century and was used on the hard hats of the miners as well as motor cars, bicycles and more. I love the design of it, the texture and colors of the metal and the fonts and text on it as well. I bought it from a guy at the flea market when I was trying to plan my shot of Fiona and the vintage wooden race cars. I didn't end up using it in that image, and kept it more simple but wanted to do something with this. I edited it with the new Americana Lightroom Presets I am working on and I love them for objects as well! If you feel like you need a break from shooting people, from finding a model, or doing what your client's want instead of what you want. Shoot an object. Find something that has gorgeous color, texture or shape and just photograph it for the simple beauty that it is.
Edited with the new Americana Lightroom Presets coming soon!'
xoxo Meghan Aileen